This being my first post. Let's talk about music.:)
I was reading Dntel's blog earlier. He recently posted a few of, in his opinion, the top albums released since the year he was born, year by year.
It sounds like a fun venture, so here it goes.
In my opinion, some great albums from each year.
Twenty awesome years.
'88 King's X - Out of the Silent Planet
Debut album by the trio. Delightfully 90's. Wonderfully written songs.
Doug Pinnick's melodies and Ty Tabor's licks mesh well. I honestly can't listen to Goldilox without getting a bit teary-eyed. Take that how you like.
Runner Up:
My Bloody Valentine - Isn't Anything
Amazing guitars in the shoegaze genre. Guitarworkguitarworkguitarwork.
'89 Stevie Ray Vaughn and Double Trouble - In Step
Oh man. With awesome tracks like Crossfire, Tightrope, and The House is a Rockin', how can you not love this album? If you play guitar and haven't heard this album, do yourself a favor and listen. Stevie shreds haaaaaaaaaaard.
'90Extreme - Pornograffitti
The cheesy love song, which I adore btw, aside. This album rocks. Nuno Bettencourt's licks are amazing througout. Especially on tracks like He Man Woman Hater, Get the Funk Out and Money. It's hard for me to believe that all that really came out of this record was More than Words. It has so much more to offer!
'91Primus - Sailing the Seas of Cheese
While it may not be an extremely memorable album, not even one of my favorites in general, I feel like this one really opened some doors in my head when it came to music. Les Claypool's incredible talent on the bass and eerie vocals make this, as well as all other Primus albums, a great listen. Thank you Tony Hawk's Pro Skater!
'92Rage Against the Machine - Rage Against the Machine
This record is my favorite Rage album. So many good tracks. Such an edgy, emotional, in your face feel. Good ol' 90's music.
'93Bjork - Debut
Such an eccentric and beautiful voice. The first time I heard this album, I was just floored but the control she has at all times. Iceland breeds some great musicians.
A quick mention,
Radiohead's debut, and my least favorite of their releases, was out this year. I was five! So crazy.
'94Jeff Buckley - Grace
Hands down, the best album of '94. Why it is Dntel's runner-up, I'll never understand. Buckley's Grace is beautiful throughout. His insanely intense melodies and lyrics bring back some good old soul and start some great 90's music. Quite possibly my favorite 90's album. Listen to it.
Great releases by Weezer, the Offspring, Aphex Twin, Beck, the Newsboys, Dinosaur Jr., The Toadies, Portishead, the Sea and Cake, and Bush. Damn '94 blessed music.
'95Elliott Smith - Elliott Smith
Elliott Smith is a great record, as are all of his other releases. This one contains Needle in the Hay, Southern Belle, and the Biggest Lie. All such great tunes. It's awesome to see the influence he has on much of modern folk. The covers of his tunes and tributes paid to him are countless.
'96Belle and Sebastien - If You're Feeling Sinister
Happy music. An influential nineties band, an awesome record. I'd say listen to this one and The Life Pursuit. Both so good!
'97Incubus - S.C.I.E.N.C.E.
This band made me love music. S.C.I.E.N.C.E. is jazzy, rocky, funky, spunky, and straight up far out! If you hate Incubus and haven't heard anything before Make Yourself, I'd suggest giving this one a listen. Quite a bit harder than their latter material and definitely a lot jazzier. And jazz is awesome.
Ok Computer was released this year.
'98Definite tie between:
HUM - Downward is Heavenward
HUM's Downward is Heavenward is the geekiest album ever. It's filled with dropped-D guitars, spacey lyrics and impressiveness. If you like anything about nineties shoegaze or rock, listen to this album from front to back. They were definitely an under-appreciated, magnificent band. MY favorite track is If You Are to Bloom. Just so you know
Braid - Frame and Canvas
Braid was definitely one of the most innovative bands in the 90's. Their riffs and tones can be heard in a lot of todays indie music. This record is mist definitely worth having. So get it.
Extremely close runner ups include At the Drive-In, Neutral Milk Hotel, Pedro the Lion, and Thursday.
'99This year is tough. Such great music.
But I think I might have to go with
Sigur Ros - Agaetis Byrjun
Another Icelandic gem, what's not to love? The whole thing plays like you're dreaming and the "Hopelandic" gibberish that is all of Sigur Ros's lyrics are beautifully written. Staralfur is so simple and so peaceful. Also, my favorite track on the record.
Alright, breaking into the new millennium!
2000I know a lot of you will probably hate me for this but
Bright Eyes - Fevers and Mirrors
I remember buying this album and hating it. I hadn't ever heard Bright Eyes but a few b-sides before this. But, by the 3rd listen I was astounded. This record is probably Conor's best. There's definitely something to be said about his emo days. I wish he'd write stuff like this now. Check out the Calendar Hung Itself. Whine!
Bright Eyes label mates, Cursive released Domestica that year. Great album as well. Some good stuff from the Appleseed Cast, Faraquet, Glassjaw, and Coldplay too.
'01Radiohead - Amnesiac
Hot damn!. This record is awesome. I love the feel of it. So creepy. I can't really pick a favorite Radiohead album but considering this is the album I chose (over Ok Computer, mind you) to display as one the best, this is in my top two. If you haven't seen it, check out the vid for Knives Out
Michel Gondry did it and he's a genius. Nuff said!
'02Glassjaw - Worship and Tribute
Daryl Palumbo is one of my favorite vocalists of all time. Definitely one of the most emotionally driven records of the "screamo" genre. W&T has some killer high energy tunes and even better relaxed songs. I might also mention that the overall production of this album is immaculate. Yes, I said immaculate. Ape Dos Mil, Two Tabs of Mescaline, and Mu Empire are some high points though I wouldn't say any of the songs on the record aren't awesome. Double negative.
Great stuff from Royksopp, Sparta, mewithoutYou, and Kind of Like Spitting this year
'03Coheed and Cambria - In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3
This album got me through high school. So many good melodies, hooks, riffs, lines, concepts, etc. Rush reincarnate! Well, maybe not since they're still around, but a great record none the less. Progressive rock and high vox. So good.
Also mention Architecture in Helsinki, Bear Vs. Shark, Black Eyes, Cursive!, Damien Rice, Hey Mercedes, House of Heroes, Incubus, Joan of Arc, Menomena, and the Mars Volta. Good music, another great year.
'04Another tie
Pedro the Lion - Achilles Heel
David Bazan's writing ability floors me. With simple chords he constructs these colossally relevant and touching songs. Every one he writes, he is able to tell a story exactly how it should be told. This whole record is amazing, so I won't name a favorite track. Pick it up for sure.
Chin Up Chin Up - We Should Have Never Lived Like Skyscrapers
Incredible indie album. The guitar work and droney vox really bring back the good ol shoegaze days. In some aspects. Every track on this record is awesome but my favorite is probably Get Me Off this Fucking Island. Good stuff.
and Runner up is definitely DFA1979's You're a Woman, I'm a Machine. That record kills.
'05 Andrew Bird - The Mysterious Production of Eggs
I don't think I can say enough about this record. The whole thing is haunting, especially with the knowledge of how he performs all of these tracks live. It's hard for me to wrap my head around how good these songs are. He knows damn well how to use a DL4 and a fiddle. So good. This one is a must listen.
A lot of other great albums released: Ester Drang, Dangerdoom, Daniel Striped Tiger, Circa Survive, Coco Rosie. Just to name a few.
'06The Velvet Teen - Cum Laude!
Judah Nagler is also one of my favorite vocalists of all time. I have heard him live and sometimes he's a little off but his melodies and range really make up for things. Cum Laude is one of very few records that I cannot get sick of. The more I play this record, the more I fall in love with it. From start to finish the songs are great. A big change for TVT from Elysium which is also an awesome record. Check out the drums on these tracks. Talk about nuts! I love this album.
'07Kidcrash - Jokes
Local and spectacular, Kidcrash is definitely one of my favorite bands. Jokes Is phenomenal. The songs are well written, the production is decent, and the vox are sparse. Another record I can't get sick of.
Finally we arrive at 2008.
'08Once again, a tie.
TV on the Radio - Dear Science
Strangely endearing. I don't really know what to say about this record other than listen to it. The songs are great. It may take a couple of run throughs before it starts to stick. But I'll bet it will. Try Golden Age.
The Mars Volta - Bedlam and Goliath
I haven't heard an album with this kind of energy in quite awhile. It's like right when Abernikula kicks in you get punched in the face. But in a good way. The songs can sometimes be unnecessarily long, but i think that's expected with these guys. All in all, I'd say it's something worth your time. Great melodies and music. As always.
Alright, i think that's it. I want to see some other posters' lists.
I'm sure I've missed a ton of great music and I'm hoping you'll let me know. :)
I'm also pretty sure I've made some mistakes, so feel free to correct those.
P.S. I love Radiohead's In Rainbows. I just couldn't bring myself to post another one of their records as my favorites.